Saturday, February 5, 2005

How to make comics not be STupid: BRING BACK DEATHLOK!

I've been a professional comic book editor freelancer for years now and it just sickens me how much the internet has made comics into something awful. For a long time I thought that the internet was part of the problem and it is obviously but maybe the problem was really that people with sense have been staying off of the internet, so by me staying off of the internet I was making the problem worse and not better by not adding some sense to what people are doing.

THis is the being of comics right now. Comics are a butterfly sitting in a coccon just after a caterpillar has wrapped itself up. It's an industry waiting to explode into a giant "Moth" with which to devour and eat up entirely the boring and stupid parts of pop culture. THere are some comic creators who understand what it is that people are doing and should be doing in comics and there are a lot who don't get it at ALL and just make things that no one in there right mind would ever want unless they were crazy then they might want it. STOP MAKING COMICS FOR THE CRAZY!

Anyway, I've been off the internet for a while due to court order (back payments on alimony, it happens to everyone who has a Judge Jerk) but now I've got money back and I can't believe how many "columns" on this internet are talking about comics that should be great but can't seem to get it together. So I"m gong to get it together for them and fix it all. Listen to me and you won't be stupid anymore, because I'm not stupid and can make you not be stupid too if you listen.

The first sign on the road that we're travelling that is called Not Stupid reads very simply in English that we should all want to "BRING BACK DEATHLOK!"

This is what peopoel want and if it happens it means everything is great. So, while we take this journey together I want you to also know that I won't just tlak about Deathlok, I'll be giving tips for breaking into the industry and also on good writing techniuqes and on why comics like Deathlok should be made more and not less like they are now.

So, here we go, get yourself seatbelted in because of stupid government regulations that require safety and make cars more expensive, and get ready to learn how to prevent the coming onslaught of horrible stupid comic books and pave the way for more of the fantastic kind of comic books we all want!

Zoombaboom Babies!

Dwight R. Vlahos

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